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  • 10 Jan 2022 9:00 AM | Bill Brenner (Administrator)

    La version française suit.


    Thank you to those who have already registered for the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program Virtual Symposium 2022. For those who have not registered yet, this is a friendly reminder to register for each day of the Symposium that you plan to attend as space is limited.

    Symposium Purpose:

    • Share research findings from ECCC-led research related to nutrients and water quality in Lake Winnipeg and its basin,
    • Feature program accomplishments including highlights of projects undertaken by funding recipients to reduce nutrient loading to the lake, enhance collaboration throughout the basin and engage Indigenous peoples on water quality issues related to Lake Winnipeg,
    • Gather feedback on research presented and on research gaps, as well as future program priorities for the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program.

    For more information on the symposium, please visit our website:

    Registration: As this symposium is by invitation, we ask that you take a moment to register for EACH day of the symposium that you plan to attend. Note: this requires three short, but separate registration steps to ensure you receive the correct meeting links for each day of the symposium you wish to attend:

    • Day 1 - Scientific Advancements related to Nutrients and Climate Change
      (Tuesday, January 18: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm CST)
    • Day 2 - Advancing the Knowledge of In-Lake and Watershed Science 
      (Wednesday, January 19: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm CST)
    • Day 3 – Actions Throughout the Basin
      (Thursday, January 20: 10:00am – 3:00 pm CST)

    RSVP: The registration deadline to confirm your participation is January 14, 2022. Although there is no cost associated with participating in this event, please be advised that you need to be registered in order to attend.

    Symposium Webinar Link: Once you have registered, you will receive a webinar invitation from Stratos, our facilitation partner in this project. Please note that the meeting link you receive upon registration is unique to you – only you will be able to access this link on the day of the symposium. It should not be shared with others, as the meeting system is set up to only allow access for the individual that registered. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

    Need any help?

    If you have any questions about the symposium or the registration process, please contact the Stratos team (Guy-Thierry Tenkouano at

    If you did not receive this invite directly and would like to be added to our distribution list, please contact us at

    We look forward to having you join us!

    Lake Winnipeg Basin Program 

    Environment and Climate Change Canada


    Merci à ceux qui se sont déjà inscrits au Symposium virtuel 2022 du Programme du bassin du lac Winnipeg. Pour ceux qui ne se sont pas encore inscrits, ceci est un rappel de s'inscrire pour chaque jour du Symposium auquel vous souhaitez de participer car le nombre de places est limité.

    Objectifs du symposium

    • Communiquer les résultats des recherches menées par ECCC sur les nutriments et la qualité de l’eau du lac Winnipeg et de son bassin versant.
    • Présenter les réalisations du programme, notamment les points saillants des projets entrepris par les bénéficiaires de financement visant à réduire la charge en nutriments dans le lac, à améliorer la collaboration dans l’ensemble du bassin et à mobiliser les peuples autochtones sur les problèmes liés à la qualité de l’eau du lac Winnipeg.
    • Recueillir des commentaires sur les recherches présentées et sur les lacunes en matière de recherche, ainsi que sur les priorités futures du Programme du bassin du lac Winnipeg.

    Pour plus d'informations sur le symposium, veuillez visiter notre site Web:

    Inscription : Comme ce symposium est sur invitation, nous vous demandons de prendre quelques instants pour vous inscrire à CHACUNE des journées du symposium auxquelles vous souhaitez assister. Veuillez noter que vous devrez suivre trois étapes d’inscription, courtes, mais distinctes, pour obtenir le lien vers la réunion pour chaque jour du symposium auquel vous souhaitez participer.

    • Jour 1 - Avancées scientifiques liées aux nutriments et au changement climatique
      (le mardi 18 janvier, de 10 h à 15 h HNC)
    • Jour 2 - Faire progresser les connaissances sur la science dans le lac et du bassin versant
      (le mercredi 19 janvier, de 10 h à 15 h HNC)
    • Jour 3 - Actions dans le bassin
      (le jeudi 20 janvier, de 10 h à 15 h HNC)

    RSVP : La date limite pour vous inscrire est le 14 janvier 2022. Bien qu’aucuns frais ne soient associés à la participation à cet événement, vous devez être inscrit pour pouvoir y assister.

    Lien vers le webinaire du symposium :
    Une fois que vous serez inscrit, vous recevrez une invitation à un webinaire de la part de Stratos, notre partenaire dans la tenue du symposium. Veuillez noter que le lien de la réunion que vous recevez lors de votre inscription est un lien qui vous est propre : seulement vous serez en mesure d’accéder à ce lien le jour du symposium. Vous ne devez pas le transmettre à d’autres personnes, car le système de réunion est configuré pour n’autoriser l’accès qu’à la personne qui s’est inscrite. Nous vous remercions de votre collaboration et de votre compréhension à cet égard.

    Besoin d’aide?

    Si vous avez des questions concernant le symposium ou le processus d’inscription, veuillez communiquer avec l’équipe de Stratos (Guy‑Thierry Tenkouano, à l’adresse

    Si vous ne recevez pas cette invitation directement et que vous souhaitez ajouter votre nom à notre liste de distribution, veuillez communiquer avec nous à cette adresse :

    Au plaisir de vous compter parmi nous!

    Programme du bassin du lac Winnipeg

    Environnement et Changement climatique Canada

  • 22 Dec 2021 9:00 AM | Bill Brenner (Administrator)

    A big congratulations goes out to Board Member Darcy Dearsley, winner of this years H.M. Bailey Award!!

    The H.M. Bailey Award was established in 1959 to acknowledge long, faithful and meritorious service in the field of public water and/or wastewater works as exemplified by the late H.M. Bailey, a charter, and highly esteemed, member of the WCW.

    Thank you Darcy for all of the work, time and effort you have put into the water and wastewater industry and the MWWA!

    Check out the Article

  • 13 Dec 2021 1:10 PM | Bill Brenner (Administrator)

    Dear Colleagues,­­

    I am pleased to invite you to a symposium hosted by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to be held January 18 – 20, 2022 via three separate virtual sessions to highlight project activities and scientific efforts undertaken through the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program.

    Symposium Purpose:

    • Share research findings from ECCC-led research related to nutrients and water quality in Lake Winnipeg and its basin,
    • Feature program accomplishments including highlights of projects undertaken by funding recipients to reduce nutrient loading to the lake, enhance collaboration throughout the basin and engage Indigenous peoples on water quality issues related to Lake Winnipeg,
    • Gather feedback on research presented and on research gaps, as well as future program priorities for the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program.

    Registration: As this symposium is by invitation, we ask that you take a moment to register for EACH day of the symposium that you plan to attend. Note: this requires three short, but separate registration steps to ensure you receive the correct meeting links for each day of the symposium you wish to attend:

    • Day 1 - Scientific Advancements related to Nutrients and Climate Change
      (Tuesday, January 18: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm CST)
    • Day 2 - Advancing the Knowledge of In-Lake and Watershed Science 
      (Wednesday, January 19: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm CST)
    • Day 3 – Actions Throughout the Basin
      (Thursday, January 20: 10:00am – 3:00 pm CST)

    RSVP: The registration deadline to confirm your participation is January 14, 2022. Although there is no cost associated with participating in this event, please be advised that you need to be registered in order to attend.

    Symposium Webinar Link: Once you have registered, you will receive a webinar invitation from Stratos, our facilitation partner in this project. Please note that the meeting link you receive upon registration is unique to you – only you will be able to access this link on the day of the symposium. It should not be shared with others, as the meeting system is set up to only allow access for the individual that registered. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

    Symposium Website Link: Additional resources will be made available through the symposium website before and following the event at: Participants are invited to visit the website periodically in the weeks leading up to the symposium to learn more about the speakers for each day.

    Need any help?

    If you have any questions about the symposium or the registration process, please contact the Stratos team (Guy-Thierry Tenkouano at

    If you did not receive this invite directly and would like to be added to our distribution list, please contact us at

    We look forward to having you join us in January 2022.

    Lake Winnipeg Basin Program 

    Environment and Climate Change Canada


    J’ai le plaisir de vous inviter au symposium organisé par Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC) qui aura lieu du 18 au 20 janvier 2022. Le symposium se déroulera en trois séances virtuelles distinctes et présentera les activités des projets et les efforts scientifiques entrepris dans le cadre du Programme du bassin du lac Winnipeg.

    Objectifs du symposium

    • Communiquer les résultats des recherches menées par ECCC sur les nutriments et la qualité de l’eau du lac Winnipeg et de son bassin versant.
    • Présenter les réalisations du programme, notamment les points saillants des projets entrepris par les bénéficiaires de financement visant à réduire la charge en nutriments dans le lac, à améliorer la collaboration dans l’ensemble du bassin et à mobiliser les peuples autochtones sur les problèmes liés à la qualité de l’eau du lac Winnipeg.
    • Recueillir des commentaires sur les recherches présentées et sur les lacunes en matière de recherche, ainsi que sur les priorités futures du Programme du bassin du lac Winnipeg.

    Inscription : Comme ce symposium est sur invitation, nous vous demandons de prendre quelques instants pour vous inscrire à CHACUNE des journées du symposium auxquelles vous souhaitez assister. Veuillez noter que vous devrez suivre trois étapes d’inscription, courtes, mais distinctes, pour obtenir le lien vers la réunion pour chaque jour du symposium auquel vous souhaitez participer.

    • Jour 1 - Avancées scientifiques liées aux nutriments et au changement climatique
      (le mardi 18 janvier, de 10 h à 15 h HNC)
    • Jour 2 - Faire progresser les connaissances sur la science dans le lac et du bassin versant
      (le mercredi 19 janvier, de 10 h à 15 h HNC)
    • Jour 3 - Actions dans le bassin
      (le jeudi 20 janvier, de 10 h à 15 h HNC)

    RSVP : La date limite pour vous inscrire est le 14 janvier 2022. Bien qu’aucuns frais ne soient associés à la participation à cet événement, vous devez être inscrit pour pouvoir y assister.

    Lien vers le webinaire du symposium :
    Une fois que vous serez inscrit, vous recevrez une invitation à un webinaire de la part de Stratos, notre partenaire dans la tenue du symposium. Veuillez noter que le lien de la réunion que vous recevez lors de votre inscription est un lien qui vous est propre : seulement vous serez en mesure d’accéder à ce lien le jour du symposium. Vous ne devez pas le transmettre à d’autres personnes, car le système de réunion est configuré pour n’autoriser l’accès qu’à la personne qui s’est inscrite. Nous vous remercions de votre collaboration et de votre compréhension à cet égard.

    Lien vers le site Web du symposium :
    Des ressources supplémentaires seront disponibles sur le site Web du symposium avant et après l’événement à l’adresse suivante : Les participants sont invités à consulter périodiquement le site Web au cours des semaines précédant le symposium pour en savoir plus sur les conférenciers de chaque journée.

    Besoin d’aide?

    Si vous avez des questions concernant le symposium ou le processus d’inscription, veuillez communiquer avec l’équipe de Stratos (Guy‑Thierry Tenkouano, à l’adresse

    Si vous ne recevez pas cette invitation directement et que vous souhaitez ajouter votre nom à notre liste de distribution, veuillez communiquer avec nous à cette adresse :

    Au plaisir de vous compter parmi nous en janvier 2022!

    Programme du bassin du lac Winnipeg

    Environnement et Changement climatique Canada

  • 07 Dec 2021 1:00 PM | Bill Brenner (Administrator)


    ECCC is proposing amendments to the Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (WSER). We understand that your organization plays a role within the wastewater sector and as such, we are seeking your input on the regulatory proposal to amend transitional and temporary authorizations.

    We are planning to initiate formal consultations with Indigenous peoples, interested parties and the general public. We have published a Discussion document outlining the regulatory proposal online for a 90-day public comment period. We invite you to review this document and share any feedback and perspectives by March 5, 2022.

    We will also be hosting virtual consultation sessions to discuss the proposed amendments, answer questions and receive feedback. Suggestions and ideas collected during the consultation phase will inform the proposed regulations.

    To review the Discussion document, provide feedback, and register for a virtual consultation session, please visit our webpage using the following link: Consultations on wastewater -

    Should you have any questions during the consultation process, please contact us.


    Wastewater Program
    Environment and Climate Change Canada/ Government of Canada  / Tel: 819-420-7727 / Fax: 819-420-7384



    ECCC propose des modifications au Règlement sur les effluents des systèmes d'assainissement des eaux usées (RESAEU). Nous comprenons que votre organisation œuvre dans le secteur des eaux usées et, à ce titre, nous aimerions recevoir votre avis sur d’éventuelles modifications concernant les autorisations transitoires et temporaires.

    Nous prévoyons entamer des discussions formelles avec les peuples autochtones, les parties intéressées et le grand public sur d'éventuelles modifications au Règlement.  Nous avons publié un document de discussion pour informer le publique de cette proposition règlementaire pour une période de commentaires de 90 jours.  Nous vous invitons à consulter ce document et à nous soumettre vos commentaires et idées d’ici au 5 mars 2022.

    Nous organiserons également des séances d’informations virtuelles pour discuter des modifications proposées, répondre à vos questions et recevoir vos commentaires.  Les suggestions et les idées recueillies au cours de la phase de consultation éclaireront le règlement proposé.

    Pour consulter le document de consultation, nous faire part de vos commentaires et pour vous enregistrer à une séance d’information virtuelle, veuillez accéder à notre site en cliquant sur le lien suivant: Consultations sur les eaux usées -

    Si vous avez des questions concernant le processus de consultation, nous vous prions de nous contacter.


    Programme des eaux usées

    Environnement et Changement climatique Canada / Gouvernement du Canada / Tél: 819-420-7727 / Télécopieur: 819-420-7384

  • 28 Oct 2021 12:00 PM | Bill Brenner (Administrator)

    Tackling Plastics in Freshwater
    Wednesday, November 17 | 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    While there has been a significant amount of focus on the plastic that ends up in our oceans, we also need to consider the amount of plastic pollution that’s entering our freshwater. This session will explore the current challenges and potential opportunities associated with managing plastic pollution in Canada’s freshwater.

    During the discussion, we will consider how plastics are currently regulated in Canada, what opportunities there are for improvement, the implications for municipalities, and what technology companies can do to support municipalities.

    Session Sponsors:

    Ask the Experts

    Do you have a burning question for our experts that you would like to have covered during the webinar? Send an email to Water Canada’s Editor Simran Chattha at

    Water Canada presents its Blue Economy Webinar Series. This series focuses on how Canada should define its blue economy and all of the key elements that will ensure a strong national water sector. Each session will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. eastern time on the third Wednesday of the month.

    You are receiving this because you are subscribed to The Droplet, Water Canada publication. 
    Water Canada is the only national publication dedicated to water quality and stewardship in Canada.

    Address: 150 Eglinton Ave. E., #806., Toronto, ON M4P 1E8

    Copyright ©2021 All rights reserved.

  • 08 Oct 2021 11:59 AM | Bill Brenner (Administrator)

    American Water Works Association


    Operator Courses - 
    For You OR Your People*

    AWWA instructor-led online High-Tech Operator courses provide affordable and accessible training, for you or your employees.

    The High-Tech Operator course series has been expertly reviewed and revised for 2021, with both new technical content and improved course functionality. These online courses feature instructor-led support and real-time feedback and are structured to complete on your own schedule. However, participants are required to complete all coursework by specific deadlines as outlined in the course descriptions. Make sure to keep on track with the learning and sign up for Course 2 and 3!

    Today is the last day to register for Course 2

    *Each individual needs to register under their own free AWWA account. Please contact Customer Service at 800.926.7337 if you have more than one person to register for a course.

    AWWA is currently experiencing some technical difficulties with our website. Kindly contact Customer Service at 303.794.7711 or 800.926.7337 and dial “0” or email AWWA Customer Service at, if you need assistance registering for this event.


    High-Tech Operator (HTO) Courses
    Fall 2021

    HTO Courses may be completed in any order

    COURSE 1 | Coming Spring 2022
    Gain a comprehensive understanding of SCADA systems, including terms, drawing symbols, naming standards, sample diagrams, descriptions of components, and features.

    COURSE 2 | October 4* – October 22
    Examine the technologies available to track, monitor, and maintain equipment and to represent, locate, and communicate with remote facilities and equipment. Technologies covered include GIS, GPS, and CMMS.
    *there is still time to register for this course.

    COURSE 3 | October 25 – November 12
    Gain a thorough understanding of information management technologies, both server-based and Web hosted. Discuss and compare management systems, applications for collecting and managing performance data, and methods available for securely storing information online.

  • 07 Oct 2021 1:00 PM | Bill Brenner (Administrator)
    American Water Works Association

    Sponsored Free Webinar


    Free Webinar from Equova:

    The Value of Single-Source Providers of Emerging Contaminant Removal, Including Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances

    November 2, 2021

      11:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. MT

    More attention is being paid to our water sources and the contaminants they may contain. Whether it's a drinking water source or groundwater that must be remediated, attendees will learn best practices for mitigating different contaminants, including PFAS. Drinking water professionals, engineers, and construction managers will learn how a single solution partner with mobile and permanent solutions might provide expertise from water testing through media selection, system design, system integration and follow-up services.

    Attendees will walk through a series of case studies that highlight a specific issue with a discussion on how the solution was chosen, and what the results were. The case studies include municipal drinking water and construction dewatering projects.

    Learn More

    The mention of specific products or services in this webinar does not represent AWWA endorsement, nor do the opinions expressed in it necessarily reflect the views of AWWA. AWWA does not endorse or approve products or services.

    Learn More

    AWWA is currently experiencing some technical difficulties with our website. Kindly contact Customer Service at 303.794.7711 or 800.926.7337 and dial “0” or email AWWA Customer Service at, if you need assistance registering for this event.

    Sponsored Content


  • 06 Oct 2021 3:00 PM | Bill Brenner (Administrator)


    Up Next: Advancing Municipal Co-digestion

    Wednesday, October 20, 2021 11AM - 12PM ET

    Many stakeholders recognize that the amount of greenhouse gas emissions entering the atmosphere need to be limited, if not reduced, given the negative implications of global warming.

    Since wastewater treatment plants generate a significant amount of GHG emissions, there’s an opportunity for municipalities to help reduce the overall emissions.

    This session will examine the benefits of municipal co-digestion, explore regulatory requirements and financing options for projects, and provide examples of municipalities that are currently undertaking projects.
    Register Now

    Expert Speaker Lineup:

    • Indra Maharjan (Ontario Clean Water Agency)
    • David Blain (City of Chilliwack)
    • Tej Gidda (GHD)
    • Jennifer Green (Canadian Biogas Association)
    • David Unrau (Town of Petawawa)
    • Corinne Lynds (Actual Media)

    Speaking and Sponsorship Opportunities

    Interested in speaking at a webinar?
    Reach out to Simran Chattha at

    Interested in sponsoring a webinar?
    Reach out to Jackie Pagaduan at

    Water Canada presents its Blue Economy Webinar Series. This series focuses on how Canada should define its blue economy and all of the key elements that will ensure a strong national water sector. Each session will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. eastern time on the third Wednesday of the month.

    You are receiving this because you are subscribed to The Droplet, Water Canada publication. 
    Water Canada is the only national publication dedicated to water quality and stewardship in Canada.

    Address: 150 Eglinton Ave. E., #806., Toronto, ON M4P 1E8

    Preferences: UNSUBSCRIBE

    Copyright ©2021 All rights reserved.

  • 10 Aug 2021 10:09 AM | Bill Brenner (Administrator)

    Water and Wastewater Foundations

    (Course Code: WATR-1007 and ID 220711)

    Five-day course: August 30 – September 3, 2021

    Fee: $1018.00

    Registration deadline: August 23, 2021

    This introductory course covers the foundational skills and knowledge operators require for success when writing ABC certification exams. This course is recommended, but optional, prior to taking a Class 1 certification exam preparation course. Industry related Math and Science (chemistry, microbiology, hydraulics and electricity), Safety / Administration /Management, and Equipment / Support systems are all gone over in detail, relative to certification exam requirements.

    Who should take the Foundations Course? RRC has developed a diagnostic quiz designed to objectively assess an individual’s fundamental skill set that will be required for effective participation in a Certification Exam Preparation Course.

    All individuals that have not taken the Foundations Course in the past or have not successfully passed a Water and Wastewater Certification exam should complete the quiz. To acquire a copy of the diagnostics quiz, please contact Patricia Oleksiew at (204) 632-3017 or

  • 10 Aug 2021 9:34 AM | Bill Brenner (Administrator)

    Blue Economy : Driving Diversity in Canada's Water Industry

    August 18, 2021

    11a.m. ET - 12p.m. ET

    Registration is free at :

    Increasing diversity can help to drive creativity, generate new ideas, and support succession planning. This webinar will explore why it’s important to encourage diversity, what the current barriers are, and what strategies can be used to increase diversity. 

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